Thursday, 7 June 2007

Grading Syllabus From 8th Kyu to 3rd Dan (Sandan) plus Zuki's and Keri's

I have added the grading Syllabus from 8th Kyu to 3rd Dan and the Zuki's and Keri's on the bottom of the Blog. Just scroll down to view them all.

Old Club Photos

Saving the photos from our Clubs Notice Board

I decided to scan all the old photos from our notice board as alot were becoming dog eared and a bit tattered. There is alot of history and memories that needed saving. I have added a number here for all to see and maybe cringe at.

Guest Instructor visits the club: Sensei Arthur Lockyear from Durham Aiki Do

Our thanks to Sensei Arthur Lockyear, 4th Dan, Shidoin from the British Aiki Kai, who was our guest Instructor on Sunday the 3rd June.

Sensei Arthur runs the British Aiki Kai, Aiki-do Club in Gilesgate in Durham. He was one of the first students of Chiba Sensei who brought Aiki-do to our shores in 1960. Sensei Arthur has been practising martial arts now for over 40 years. He brought some of his senior grades down to the club and kindly took the lesson. He went through a number of simple but effective techniques that will be a useful addition to our armoury, and demonstrated some weapons techniques and Kata.

Here are a few pics from this memorable day. I have uploaded the videos onto You Tube and they can be viewed in the side bar.