Friday, 18 January 2008

Brian, Shaun and Matt performing their Katas for their Shodan Grading

Check out Matts Webpage for his band in the side bar.





Friday, 11 January 2008

Students achieve Shodan

3 new Shodans join the ranks after succesfully passing their Black Belt gradings at Christmas. Father and Son, Brian and Shaun Dobson plus Matthew Cook. This is now the true start of your training. Well done guys.

Grading Results, 16th December 2007

Congratulations to all those who passed their gradings before Christmas.
8th Kyu (Yellow Belt) pass:- Sara Taylor, Phil Hawkins and Neil Cameron.
7th Kyu (Orange Belt) pass:- Jordan Bailey
6th Kyu (Green Belt) pass:- Beth Gibson - Awarded Best Student 2007. Excellent, Keep it up Beth!
5th Kyu (Blue Belt) pass:- Andrew Smith - Best Grading. Well done Andrew!
2nd Kyu (2nd Brown Belt) pass:- Harry Lindsey