Wednesday, 29 October 2008

Iain Abernathy Course, October 18th 2008

Sensei Dave Blackburn, Linda Croarkin and myself, Sensei Andy Bailey attended a seminar/training session at Thornaby on the 18th October with Sensei Iain Abernathy, 5th Dan. It was a well spent 5 hours. We concentrated on grappling and take downs. Sensei Iain went through the 9 throws that Shihan Funakoshi presented in a book to the Emperor when he went over to mainland Japan from Okinawa to show him the martial art of Karate that was being practised on the island. At the end of the session, Iain was kind enough to read them out in order so we could video them on my phone. Excuse the poor execution of these as we had only just been shown them and were still a bit unsure, but it was an excellent reminder as we would have forgotten most of them by the Monday as there was so much to take in. The throws are in order:-

1. To topple a folding screen - Byobudaoshi

2. Spinning top - Komanage

3. To encircle the neck - Kubiwa

4. Half Wheel - Katawaguouman

5. V Turning swallow - Tsubamegaeshi

6. To spear a ball - Yaridama

7. To push off a cliff - Taniotoshi

8. To encircle the arm - Udewa

9. To hammer upside down - Sakatsuchi

Apologies for the spelling. Blame Sensei Dave's writing.

September 2008 Gradings

We have decided to grade students in batches rather than all at once. Congratulatuions to all the white belts who graded in September to Yellow Belt, 8th Kyu.

Ben, Mike, Carlie, Rowland, Jeff and Daniel.

Well done everyone, especially Charlie who got best grading. Excellent stance and Kicks Charlie!