Saturday, 29 August 2015

Japan Trip 2015

On October the 18th 2015 I will be flying to Japan with my fellow karateka from the WTKO. 14 of us will be travelling from 4 different countries, The trip will be led by Scott Langley Sensei who is a Rokudan, 6th Dan Karateka and Technical Director for WTKO GB. Scott is also the best selling author of Karate Stupid, which tells the story of his ordeals whilst completing the gruelling Instructors course at the JKS Honbu Dojo in Japan.

The itinerary  for the trip is as follows and I will write a blog on my return highlighting my experiences during the trip of a lifetime:-
Japan Trip ‘15

18th October
Leave for Japan

19th October

Arrive in Japan – Go directly to Hakone and stay at
Hakone is at the foothills of Mt Fuji and is a great natural spa area.

21st – 26th October

Return to Tokyo - Stay in Homeikan, near Tokyo Stadium.
During our stay in Tokyo we will train with Ohta Sensei at Keio University and also Kawasaki Sensei at Kamakura. We will also have chance to go sightseeing around Tokyo and we will also travel to Nikko.

26th – 29th October

We will fly to Naha in Okinawa where we will have a 3 day, private seminar with Senaha Sensei 9th Dan Goju Ryu at his private dojo. Naha is a wonderful, tropical town, so during our days we will sightsee and visit Shuri Castle, Kokusai Dori (International Street), the famous “Kill Bill” sake bar amongst other local legendary attractions!

29th October

Return Home.

Tuesday, 25 August 2015

Ground work and throws

Our karate club now has a full set of mats so that we can cover the whole dojo. These were donated by Sensei Steve Wilkinson, John Ward and Paul Young (Who runs the Tai Chi class with Steve). Throws and ground work are an essential part of karate and need to be practised regularly to ensure that they become part of a fully rounded karatekas skill set.

Within the kata we practice and our kihon drills there are throws and take downs, but to practice them just in this way without practical application means they become worthless. Ground work on the other hand is what karateka need when things go wrong. A karateka should aim to stay on his feet where possible. This is where our strength lies. But sometimes we could end up on the floor. Not a good place to be as this is a very vulnerable position to both injury from the hard surface of the ground, the aggressors associates and obviously the aggressor themselves. We therefore need to be if not experts in the ground game, proficient enough to  at least get out of it. The same principles apply on the ground as stood up i.e Connection, keeping relaxed, sensitivity, balance and finding the empty space.

A link to terminology is attached.Throws and ground work terminology

Monday, 24 August 2015

New Management Committee established.

As part of the club restructure a management committee has also been established with the following quorum:-

Chair and Chief Instructor - Sensei Steve Wilkinson, Yondan (4th Dan).

Vice Chair - Sensei Martyn Butterfield.

Secretary and Child Protection Officer - Sensei Andy Bailey, Yondan (4th Dan).

Treasurer - Sensei Linda Croakin, Shodan (1st Dan).

New Chief Instructor

Sensei Steve Wilkinson is the new Chief Instructor for the club. He has over 40 years martial arts experience and is a Yondan (4th Dan) black belt in Anshin Ryu. Sensei Wilkinson also has experience in Judo as well as being a practitioner of Tai Chi Chuan for over 8 years, which influences his karate.