Saturday, 26 May 2007

Newton Aycliffe Anshin-Ryu Club Details

The Club is based at the Neville Parade Community Centre on Neville Parade, Newton Aycliffe, County Durham.

Training times are:

Tuesdays: 7pm to 8.30pm
Sundays: 11.30am to 1pm

All welcome from 7yrs up.

Anshin-Ryu Karate has its history in both Wado-ryu and Shotokan Karate.

here is an extract from the website of our sister club, Zanshin Kai explain a bit of history.

"Anshin-Ryu was the style of Karate that was founded by Keith Bell in the early 1980's. Keith Bell was a 4th Dan in Wado-Ryu Karate and regularly trained under Kanazawa Sensei. It was this influence of Shotokan Karate that Keith incorporated into his training and adapted to his Wado-Ryu which bore the new style Anshin-Ryu (The way of the Heart & Mind). Anshin-Ryu in its basic form is still very much Wado-Ryu. All the Kata are Wado-Ryu based, but there are advanced Kata taken from other styles. The influence of Shotokan is very evident in the deep stances and power techniques. The symbol for Anshin-Ryu is the white dove of Wado-Ryu below the Shotokan Tiger."

The club practises traditional Karate, but also enjoys sharing the experience of a number of senior members from different styles such as Shotokan, Kickboxing, Ju-jitsu, Muay Thai and Tae Kwon Do. We are a very open club and anyone is welcome to join.


Ian Culpan said...


All the best with the blog. Good training with you again after 16 years.

I'm going to attempt a blog as well. Will let you know details later

Ian Culpan

Andy Bailey,Yondan said...

Cheers Ian. Same goes from me. Let me know the site when up and running so I can add it to my links.

Hope to see you in few weeks when come down for hols with the family.


Linda said...

Hi Andy

Blog looks good

Look forward to the Newton Aycliffe Anshin-Ryu calendar ;o)
