Saturday, 19 September 2015

Newton Aycliffe Karate Club joins the British Combat Karate Association.

Effective immediately the club has joined the British Combat Karate Association (BCKA). This association is led by some of the leading experts on practical karate bunkai. Our Senior Instructors and members made this move from the Isle of Man Karate Federation as we felt that the BCKA was more in line with our aims and objective.

Due to this change all members will have to re-register with the BCKA including instructors.
Myself and Sensei Steve have already registered as instructors.

The licence fee, unlike previously will run for a full year from date of issue, unlike with the IOMKF where it was a set time, so if you joined half way through the year you lost 6 months.

The annual subs will be £25 for Adults and £20 for Children. This will also include annual membership to the EKF (English Karate Federation). (This includes a small contribution to the club.)

This is slightly more than previously with the IOMKF, but we believe its worth it due to the professional nature of the organisation, insurance etc., but club training fees will stay the same. New licence forms will be issued for completion and submission along with the new fees within the next month.

Any questions about this then speak to me or Sensei Steve.


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