Monday 7 September 2015

Club Instructor helps out Durham PHAB Club

On Wednesday last week I received a call for help from Dunelm Physically Handicapped and Able Bodied Club (PHAB). They were holding an activities event for members in order to raise funds for this great charity on Saturday 5th September. Unfortunately they had been let down by one of the activity leaders so I said I would gladly run two hour long sessions for any one interested in trying their hand at a bit of karate. I had 5 in each group and they were a very enthusiastic bunch to teach. The lesson consisted of first donning a Gi and belt to look the part, a brief explanation of karate and its roots, then a warm up. We then started off with basic zuki techniques and pad work, then maegeri, again with pad work. The session ended with a short demonstration of kata and controlled techniques. Before I knew it the session was over. I presentation was made before a lovely buffet lunch, where each participant received a Congratulations for completing an Introduction to Karate Certificate. Thanks for the invite Dunelm PHAB club.

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